Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete)
Color: Violet or Rose
Flowers are permitted.
The organ may be played.
Commemorations: St. Damasus I, Pope & Confessor; Octave of the Immaculate Conception
After Terce, Commemorations of St. Damasas and of the Octave, Dismissal = Benedicamus Domino. Folded Chasubles: No, dalmatic and tunicle for this Sunday which is the primary indicator of the day's joy above the relatively newer use of the colour rose
No Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Trinity
Doxology: Per Annum
Hymn Tone: Advent
Lauds: Commemorations of St. Damasas and of the Octave
Prime: Verse = "Qui venturus es"; no Preces
Vespers: Second Vespers of the Sunday; Commemorations of the Octave and of St. Damasus
Compline: No Preces