Within the Octave of the IC
Color: White (Violet for Mass)
Flowers are not permitted.
The organ is not played.
Commemorations: Ember Wednesday in Advent
Penitential kneeling: Yes, at the Ember Mass only
Conventual Mass of the Ember Day after None, Commemoration of the Octave, 3rd. Orations of the Holy Ghost; Dismissal = Benedicamus Domino. Private Masses of the Octave permitted today.. Folded Chasubles: Yes, at the Ember Mass only
No Gloria. No Credo.
Preface: Common
Doxology: Incarnation
Hymn Tone: BVM
Matins: Lesson IX is not of the Ember Day because the Gospel is the same as that of the Octave
Lauds: Commemoration of the Ember Day
Prime: Verse = "Qui natus es"
Vespers: First Vespers of the Octave Day, Commemoration of the Feria (Collect of the preceding Sunday)