Ember Wednesday in the Octave of Pentecost
Color: Red
Penance: Fast & Partial Abstinence
Flowers are permitted.
The organ may be played.
After Terce, 2nd. Orations "Contra Persecutores" or "Pro Papa", no 3rd. Orations, Sequence. Folded Chasubles are not worn.
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Holy Ghost
Proper Communicantes/Hanc Igitur: Communicantes & Hanc Igitur of Pentecost
Doxology: Pentecost
Hymn Tone: Pentecost
Day hours: At Terce, hymn "Veni Creator"
Vespers: Vespers of the Day, Commemoration of Ss. Primus & Felicianus