Our Lady of Ransom
Color: White
Flowers: No flowers at the Ember Day Mass
Organ: No organ at the Ember Day Mass
Commemorations: Ember Saturday in September
Penitential kneeling: Yes, at the Ember Day Mass
After Terce, Mass of the feast, Commemoration and Proper Last Gospel of the Ember Day (unless the Ember Day Mass will also be celebrated after None). Folded Chasubles: Yes, at the Ember Day Mass
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: BVM (Et te in Festivitate)
Doxology: Incarnation
Hymn Tone: BVM
Matins: Lesson IX of the Ember Day
Lauds: Commemoration of the Ember Day
Prime: Verse = "Qui natus es"
Vespers: First Vespers of the following Sunday(=Fourth Sunday of September), Commemoration of Our Lady of Ransom, no Suffrage
Compline: No Preces