Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Color: White
Commemorations: At the Dawn Mass only, St. Anastasia, Martyr
First Mass at Night after Matins and before Lauds, no Commemorations. Second Mass at Dawn after Prime, Commemoration of St. Anastasia. Third Mass of the Day after Terce, no Commemorations, Proper Last Gospel of the Epiphany..
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Nativity
Doxology: Incarnation
Hymn Tone: Christmas
Matins: Matins is sung before the Mass at Night and ends with the Collect and Dismissal after which Mass begins
Lauds: Lauds is sung after the Mass at Night, no Commemorations
Prime: Verse = "Qui natus es" today and through January 5 inclusive
Vespers: Second Vespers of the feast, Commemoration of St. Stephen