St. Ambrose, Bp, Confessor, & Doctor
Color: White
Flowers are permitted.
The organ may be played.
Commemorations: Advent Feria, Vigil of the Immaculate Conception (at Mass only)
Penitential kneeling: Yes for the Vigil Mass only
After Terce, Mass of the feast, Commemorations of the Feria and of the Vigil, Proper Last Gospel of the Vigil. Where possible, Mass of the Vigil after None, Commemoration of the Feria, 3rd. Orations of the Holy Ghost, Dismissal = Benedicamus Domino..
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Common
Doxology: Per Annum (through None)
Hymn Tone: Advent (through None)
Lauds: Commemoration of the Feria
Vespers: First Vespers of the following day, Commemoration only of the Feria
Compline: Hymn sung with the Proper Doxology of the Incarnation in the melody of the BVM