Color: Violet
Flowers are permitted.
The organ may be played.
No penitential kneeling.
After None, Mass of the preceding Sunday, 2nd. Orations "A cunctis", 3rd. Orations - Choice of the Celebrant, Gradual only without Tract, Dismissal = Benedicamus Domino. Folded Chasubles are not worn.
No Gloria. No Credo.
Preface: Common
Doxology: Per Annum (through None)
Hymn Tone: Ferial (through None)
Lauds: Second Schema of Psalms, Suffrage of the Saints
Prime: Ps. 98, displaced from Lauds, added as fourth psalm, Dominical Preces
Vespers: First Vespers of the following day, Suffrage of the Saints
Compline: Hymn sung with the Proper Doxology of the Incarnation in the melody of the BVM, Preces