Seven Sorrows of the BVM
Color: White
Penance: Fast & Complete Abstinence
Flowers are permitted.
The organ may be played.
Commemorations: Passiontide Feria
After Terce, Commemoration and Proper Last Gospel of the Feria (where possible, Mass of the Feria after None); Ps. 42 and the Gloria Patri are retained in all festal Masses this week.
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: BVM (Et te in Transfixione)
Doxology: Seven Sorrows
Hymn Tone: Passiontide
Matins: Lesson IX of the Feria
Lauds: Commemoration of the Feria
Vespers: Second Vespers of the feast (before the main meal), Commemoration of the Feria