Holy Saturday
Color: Violet, then White
Flowers: From Mass onwards
Organ: Silent until the Gloria of the Mass
Penitential kneeling: For Vigil only
Vigil after None followed by Mass of Holy Saturday, no candles at the Gospel, double Alleluia at dismissal. Folded Chasubles: Yes for Vigil, No at Mass
Gloria. No Credo.
Preface: Easter (in hac potissimum nocte)
Matins: Tenebrae sung on Friday evening
Prime: Recited, not sung; Ps. 50 before Collect
Day hours: Recited, not sung; Ps. 50 before Collect
Vespers: Short Form of First Vespers after Communion at Mass (sung to coincide with the end of the Lenten fast at midday)
Compline: Proper format for Holy Saturday