St. Ubaldus, Bishop & Confessor
Color: White
Flowers: No for the Rogation Mass
Organ: No for the Rogation Mass
Commemorations: Rogation Tuesday is not commemorated
No penitential kneeling.
Mass of the feast after Terce, no Commemorations. After None, where possible, Rogation Procession and Mass in violet, Paschal Candle is not lit, seasonal orations added.. Folded Chasubles: No for the Rogation Mass
Gloria: Yes (No at Rogation Mass). No Credo.
Preface: Easter
Doxology: Paschal
Hymn Tone: Paschal
Lauds: Paschal Commemoration of the Cross; private recitation of the Litany of the Saints follows Lauds for those not partaking in the Rogation Procession
Prime: Dominical Preces
Vespers: First Vespers of the following day, Commemoration of St. Ubaldus; no Suffrage of the Cross
Compline: No Preces