Ember Saturday in the Pentecost Octave
Color: Red
Flowers are permitted.
The organ may be played.
No penitential kneeling.
After Terce, 2nd. Orations "Contra Persecutores" or "Pro Papa", no 3rd. Orations, Sequence. Folded Chasubles are not worn.
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Holy Ghost
Doxology: Pentecost (through None)
Hymn Tone: Pentecost (through None)
Day hours: At Terce, hymn "Veni Creator"
Vespers: Here begins the Summer Volume of the Breviary. First Vespers of Trinity Sunday, Commemoration only of the First Sunday after Pentecost. From now until Advent exclusive, the final Marian antiphon is "Salve Regina". Also, the Angelus resumes with Vespers this evening.
Compline: Hymn sung with the Per Annum doxology in the Solemn Melody