Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Color: White
Commemorations: Tenth Sunday after Pentecost; Ss. Sixtus II, Pope, Felicissimus, & Agapitus, Martyrs
After Terce, Commemoration of the Sunday at all Masses (at Low Masses only, add the Commemoration of Ss. Sixtus et al.), Proper Last Gospel of the Sunday.
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Nativity
Doxology: Transfiguration
Hymn Tone: Ascension
Matins: Lesson IX of the Sunday
Lauds: Commemorations of the Sunday and of Ss. Sixtus et al.
Prime: Verse = "Qui apparuisti hodie"
Vespers: Second Vespers of the feast, Commemorations of St. Cajetan, then of the Sunday, and finally of St. Donatus