St. Linus, Pope & Martyr
Color: Red
Flowers: No at the Ember Mass
Organ: No at the Ember Mass
Commemorations: Ember Saturday in September; St. Thecla, Virgin & Martyr
Penitential kneeling: Yes, at the Ember Mass only
After Terce, Mass of the feast, Commemorations of the Ember Day and of St. Thecla, Proper Last Gospel of the Ember Day. Where possible, Mass of the Ember Day after None, Commemoration of St Thecla, 3rd. Orations "A cunctis", Dismissal = Benedicamus Domino.. Folded Chasubles: Yes, at the Ember Mass only
Gloria: Yes (No a the Ember Mass). No Credo.
Preface: Common
Doxology: Per Annum (through None)
Hymn Tone: Ordinary (through None)
Matins: Lesson IX of the Ember Day
Lauds: Commemorations of the Ember Day and of St. Thecla, Suffrage of the Saints
Prime: Dominical Preces
Vespers: First Vespers of the following Sunday (Magnif. Ant. of the Saturday before the Fourth Sunday of September), Commemorations of St. Linus and then of Our Lady of Ransom, no Suffrage
Compline: Hymn sung with the Incarnation doxology in the melody of the BVM, no Preces