Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Color: White
Three Masses. First Mass at Night following Matins, no Commemorations. Lauds immediately follow the first Mass. Second Mass at Dawn following Prime, Commemoration of St. Anastasia, Martyr. Third Mass of the Day after Terce, no Commemorations, Proper Last Gospel of the Epiphany..
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Nativity
Doxology: Incarnation
Hymn Tone: Christmas
Matins: Anticipated on the evening of Dec 24. After the "Te Deum", add Collect & Dismissal and then follows the First Mass at Night.
Lauds: Lauds is separated from Matins in Choir this day only, sung immediately after the First Mass at Night
Prime: Verse = "Qui natus es"
Vespers: Second Vespers of the Nativity, Commemoration of St. Stephen