Ash Wednesday
Color: Violet
Flowers are not permitted.
The organ is not played.
Commemorations: St. Valentine, Priest & Martyr
Penitential kneeling.
After None, Blessing & Distribution of Ashes followed by Mass, Commemoration of St. Valentine, 3rd. Orations "A cunctis"; Dismissal = "Benedicamus Domino". Folded Chasubles are worn.
No Gloria. No Credo.
Preface: Lent
Doxology: Per Annum
Hymn Tone: Ferial
Matins: From today through None of Saturday, the Per Annum formularies of the Office remain in effect
Lauds: Second Schema of Psalms, Ferial Preces, Commemoration of St. Valentine, Suffrage of the Saints
Prime: Add Ps. 96 (displaced from Lauds) as fourth psalm, Ferial Preces
Day hours: Ferial Preces
Vespers: Vespers of the Feria, Ferial Preces, Commemoration of Ss. Faustinus & Jovita, Suffrage of the Saints. Vespers today and the next two days are still sung at the normal time of the day (i.e. late afternoon/early evening)
Compline: Preces