Lenten Feria
Color: Violet
Flowers are not permitted.
The organ is not played.
Penitential kneeling: Yes, through None/Mass
After None, 2nd. Orations "A cunctis"; 3rd. Orations "Pro Vivis et Defunctis", Dismissal = "Benedicamus Domino". Folded Chasubles are worn.
No Gloria. No Credo.
Preface: Lent
Doxology: Per Annum
Hymn Tone: Ferial (through None)
Lauds: Second Schema of Psalms, Ferial Preces, Suffrage of the Saints
Prime: Add Ps. 149 (displaced from Lauds) as fourth psalm, Ferial Preces
Day hours: Ferial Preces
Vespers: Here begins the Spring Volume of the Breviary. First Vespers of the following Sunday, Commemoration of St. Simeon, Suffrage of the Saints. From today through Holy Saturday, except only on Sunday afternoons, Vespers are sung before the main meal of the day (customarily this is taken at midday such that Vespers are sung in the late morning); this holds true even on feast days because every weekday of Lent is a fast day without exception in traditional practice.
Compline: Hymn sung in the Lenten melody, Preces