Maundy Thursday
Color: Violet (Office), White (Mass)
Flowers: Yes, but removed after the Mass
Organ: Yes, but silent after the Gloria in excelsis at Mass
Commemorations: This year, the feast of St. John of Capistrano, Confessor, is omitted.
Penitential kneeling: Only in the Office
After None, Mass of the Lord's Supper (bishops consecrate Chrism within this same Mass formulary), no Commemorations. Immediately after Mass, reposition of the Blessed Sacraement, Vespers, and then the Stripping of the Altars. Later, after the main meal has been taken, the Mandatum ceremony (optional) outside the sanctuary of the Church.. Folded Chasubles are not worn.
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Holy Cross
Matins: Tenebrae on Spy Wednesday evening. From now through None on Holy Saturday, special format of the Office for the Sacred Triduum. Only Matins & Lauds (=Tenebrae) are sung; all other Hours are recited without chant. From now until the Mass on Holy Saturday exclusive, the minor doxology "Gloria Patri" is completely omitted.
Lauds: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Prime: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Day hours: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Vespers: Vespers of the Day (at the end of Mass, before the altar is stripped and before taking the main meal) recited (not sung)
Compline: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum