St. Casimir, Confessor
Color: White
Flowers are permitted.
The organ may be played.
Commemorations: Lenten Feria; St. Lucius I, Pope & Martyr
Penitential kneeling: Only at the Ferial Mass
After Terce, Mass of the feast, Commemorations of the Feria and of St. Lucius, Proper Last Gospel of the Feria. After None, Mass of the Feria w/ the seasonal commemorations. . Folded Chasubles: (Only at the Ferial Mass)
Gloria. No Credo.
Preface: Lent
Doxology: Per Annum
Hymn Tone: Lent
Matins: Lesson IX of the Feria
Lauds: Commemorations of the Feria and of St. Lucius, Suffrage of the Saints
Prime: Dominical Preces
Vespers: Second Vespers of the feast (before the main meal), Commemoration of the Feria, Suffrage of the Saints
Compline: Preces