Dominica in Albis (Low Sunday) & Octave Day of Easter
Color: White
After Terce, no Commemorations. From today and henceforth, the dismissal is sung without the double Alleluia..
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Easter ("hoc potissimum" today until Ascension exclusive)
Doxology: Paschal (through None)
Hymn Tone: Easter (through None)
Prime: First psalm = Ps. 117, Verse = "Qui surrexisti a mortuis" today until Ascension unless otherwise stated, Preces are omitted because the Office is of Double rite
Vespers: First Vespers of the Annunciation, Commemoration of the Sunday
Compline: Hymn sung with the Proper Doxology of the Incarnation in the melody of the BVM