Good Friday
Color: Black
Flowers are not permitted.
The organ is not played.
Penitential kneeling.
After None, Mass of the Presanctified. Lessons & Passion, Solemn Orations, Veneration of the Cross, Return Procession of the Blessed Sacrament w/ Mass of the Presanctified.. Folded Chasubles are worn.
Matins: Tenebrae on the evening of Maundy Thursday
Lauds: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Prime: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Day hours: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Vespers: Vespers of the Day (after the Mass of the Presanctified and before taking the main meal) recited (not sung)
Compline: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum