Holy Saturday
Color: Violet for the Vigil, White at Mass and thereafter
Flowers: Yes, at Mass and thereafter
Organ: Yes, from the Gloria of the Mass and thereafter
Penitential kneeling: Only in the Office and Vigil before Mass
After None, Blessing of the New Fire, Exsultet, Lessons, Blessing of the Baptismal Water, Litany of the Saints. After the Litany, Mass (in white) of the Easter Vigil, no Commemorations, no candles carried at the Gospel. After Communion, short First Vespers of Easter, no Commemorations. Double Alleluia at the dismissal.. Folded Chasubles: Yes, at the Vigil before Mass
Gloria. No Credo.
Preface: Easter ("hac potissimum nocte")
Matins: Tenebrae on the evening of Good Friday
Lauds: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Prime: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Day hours: Proper Office of the Sacred Triduum
Vespers: Short form of First Vespers of Easter after the Communion of the Vigil Mass, no Commemorations. After today, Vespers return to their normal time on all days.
Compline: Proper Compline for Holy Saturday. From now through None of Ember Saturday of Pentecost, the final Marian antiphon = "Regina Coeli", which is always sung standing.