Friday in the Easter Octave
Color: White
Commemorations: Greater Litanies at Rome (at Mass only, nothing in the Office). This year, the feast of St. Mark, Evangelist, is transferred to Monday, April 28.
After Terce, Rogation Procession followed by the Mass of Easter Friday (the Rogation Mass may not be said today), Commemoration of the Rogation Day, 3rd. Orations "Contra Persecutores" or "Pro Papa", Sequence, no Proper Last Gospel.
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Easter ("hac potissimum die")
Matins: Proper Office of the Easter Octave
Lauds: Proper Office of the Easter Octave, no Commemorations. For those not partaking in the Rogation Procession today, the Litany of the Saints is to be recited privately after Lauds.
Prime: Proper Office of the Easter Octave
Day hours: Proper Office of the Easter Octave
Vespers: Vespers of the Octave, Commemorations of Ss. Cletus & Marcellinus
Compline: Proper Office of the Easter Octave