Within the Octave of Corpus Christi
Color: White
Flowers: No for the Vigil Mass
Organ: No for the Vigil Mass
Commemorations: Vigil of St. John the Baptist
Penitential kneeling: At the Vigil Mass only
After Terce, Mass of the Octave Commemoration of the Vigil, 3rd. Orations of the BVM, Proper Last Gospel of the Vigil. After None, Mass of the Vigil, 2nd. Orations of the BVM, 3rd. Orations "Contra Persecutores" or "Pro Papa", Dismissal = Benedicamus Domino.. Folded Chasubles: No at the Vigil Mass
Gloria: Yes (No at the Vigil Mass). Credo: Yes (No at the Vigil Mass).
Preface: Nativity
Doxology: Incarnation
Hymn Tone: Christmas
Matins: Lesson IX of the Vigil
Lauds: Commemoration of the Vigil
Prime: Verse = "Qui natus es"
Vespers: First Vespers of the following day, Commemoration of Octave