Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Color: Red
Commemorations: Octave Day of St. John the Baptist. The Octave of the Sacred Heart is not commemorated today because the feast of the Precious Blood celebrates the same mystery of Our Lord.
After Terce, Commemoration of the Octave Day of SJB (at Low Masses only).
Gloria. Credo.
Preface: Holy Cross
Doxology: Sacred Heart (throiugh None)
Hymn Tone: Sacred Heart (through None)
Lauds: Commemoration of the Octave Day of SJB
Prime: Verse = "Quos redemisti pretiossimo Sanguine"
Vespers: Second Vespers of the feast, Commemoration of the Visitation only
Compline: The hymn takes the proper doxology of the Incarnation sung in the melody of the BVM.