Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Tenth Sunday after Pentecost (Third Sunday of August)
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-08-14
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Vigil of the Assumption (Anticipated)
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-08-13
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Ss. Tiburtius & Susanna, Virgin, Martyrs
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-08-11
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Ss. Cyriacus, Largus, & Smaragdus, Martyrs
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-08-08
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Ninth Sunday after Pentecost (Second Sunday of August)
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-08-07
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-08-06