Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Ss. Vitus, Modestus, & Crescentia, Martyrs
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-06-15
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
St. Basil the Great, Bp, Confessor, & Doctor
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-06-14
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
St. Anthony of Padua, Confessor & Doctor
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-06-13
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Ember Saturday in the Octave of Pentecost
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-06-11
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Ember Friday in the Octave of Pentecost
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-06-10
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Thursday in the Octave of Pentecost
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-06-09
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Ember Wednesday in the Octave of Pentecost
Pre-55 Ordo for 2022-06-08