Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Sixth resumed Sunday after Epiphany (Fourth Sunday of November)
Pre-55 Ordo for 2023-11-19
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Dedication of the Basilicas of St. Peter and of St. Paul
Pre-55 Ordo for 2023-11-18
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
St. Gregory the Wonder-worker, Bp & Confessor
Pre-55 Ordo for 2023-11-17
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
St. Albert the Great, Bp, Confessor, & Doctor
Pre-55 Ordo for 2023-11-15
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
Fifth resumed Sunday after Epiphany (Third Sunday of November)
Pre-55 Ordo for 2023-11-12
Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu
St. Martin of Tours, Bishop & Confessor
Pre-55 Ordo for 2023-11-11