Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Within the Octave of All Saints

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Twenty-Second Sunday after Pentecost (=Third Sunday of November)

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Within the Octave of All Saints

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

St. Charles Borromeo, Bp & Confessor

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Within the Octave of All Saints

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls)

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

All Saints

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Vigil of All Saints

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Our Lord Jesus Christ, King

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Saturday of the BVM