Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Within the Octave of the IC

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

St. Lucy, Virgin & Martyr

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Within the Octave of the IC

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Third Sunday of Advent (Gaudete)

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Within the Octave of the IC

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Within the Octave of the IC

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Immaculate Conception of the BVM

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

St. Ambrose, Bp, Confessor, & Doctor

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

St. Nicholas, Bishop & Confessor

Pre-55 Ordo according to Divino Afflatu

Advent Feria